Central Florida’s job market is on fire. There are more open jobs here than people to work them even with the region gaining 140 new residents (net) every day. Most assume these jobs are lower-paying hospitality jobs. However, we also see tremendous job growth in many of our other sectors, including construction, technology, education, healthcare, and professional services (higher salary jobs). No matter what type of job, sector, experience level or location you may be looking for to get a great job in Orlando (not just any job) takes some strategic job search planning. To get a great job at ANY level, there is the top five things, according to OrlandoJobs.com, you must do in Central Florida to understand this job market.
- Your resume and LinkedIn profile have to be optimized so that your skill sets are clear, concise, and easily interpreted on the top half of the first page of your resume (read this article). Employers and robots do not have time to figure out what your skill sets are so you must be extremely clear about what you do (job title at the top of the resume that matches the job title in the job you are applying for) and your skill sets.
- Use multiple sources for your job search. It would be great if OrlandoJobs.com or Magnus Workforce had every possible job opening in Central Florida. This is not the case. Great jobs lurk at companies you know nothing about and many times they are not even posted to any job site; not even their own! 85% of Central Florida companies have less than 50 employees and they have some of the best jobs in the area.
- Go after the great jobs once you apply. You find a great job; you optimize your resume for that job, you apply and then wait for the employer to respond. If this job is a job that you genuinely qualify for and at a company that you want to work for, you have to let the company know you are the best candidate. Go to LinkedIn, look up the company and see if you can find the person who would be the hiring authority. Connect to that person saying you applied to XYZ job and very excited about opportunities with your company. Your LinkedIn profile becomes your resume and most hiring managers will either reach back out to you or alert their human resources department to set an interview.
- Network. Central Florida has so many networking events that you could go to four every day. Use things like meetup.com and Eventbrite.com to find events where people who may have jobs in your field hang out. Once you meet someone at these events, let them know you are in a job search looking for jobs with your skillset. You will be surprised how people will extend themselves to help you in your quest for a great job!
- Use your social networks. If you are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, during a job search you should do a couple of posts on all these sites letting everyone know you are looking for another job (if you are currently not working). Let your “social” friends know ASAP. The number one way to get a job is by an employee referral. In your posts, include your LinkedIn URL.
For more tips, check out the full article here!
Source: Orlandojobs.com