Showing up late to an interview, especially without sending the interviewer a heads-up is a no-go. So if you’re running late, follow those tips bellow to get a second chance.


Notify the interviewer ASAP

If you find yourself running late, you absolutely must notify the person you’ve been corresponding with. But don’t send an email or text; it’s best to call the person as soon as you know there is any possibility that you’ll be late or miss the interview completely. The worst thing you could do is show up late without calling, as if there is no issue. If your reason is excusable, such as being in a car accident or having a family emergency, the recruiter may be willing to reschedule.


Sincerely apologize

When you miss an interview, it immediately creates a red flag, so don’t treat the situation lightly. Acknowledge you screwed up big-time, and express your regret. Tell the interviewer you realize this is a major inconvenience to everyone involved, and sincerely apologize.


Don’t just show up anyway

Even if traffic clears up and you can make it to the interview location, experts say you should just reschedule the interview. Why? At this point, you’re probably stressed and your behavior could potentially jeopardize your performance. Furthermore, when you don’t show up on time, you inconvenience everyone who moved their schedules around for your interview. Don’t be surprised if the hiring team is no longer able to interview you that same day.


Send an apology email

If the job you’re interviewing for requires time management skills or scheduling and attending meetings, showing up late could very well be a deal breaker. But, what happens next could depend on how well the candidate handles the situation. State that you are still very interested in the role and would greatly value a second chance, if it were given. Lastly, make sure you thank them for their time and consideration.


Learn from your mistake

Sometimes you just have a bad day, but missing an interview is a tough situation to recover from. This is why hiring managers always suggest making an effort to visit the interview location a day or week beforehand. You should anticipate delays and plan for them by allotting extra travel time.


Breathe and prepare for tomorrow

You called. You apologized. Now you need to just make sure you walk into that interview room fully prepared and ready to knock their socks off. Could you use some help with that? Join Monster for free today. As a member, you’ll get interview advice, career insights, and job search tips sent directly to your inbox to take some of the pressure off your shoulders. From introducing yourself to answering tough questions, Monster has practical advice that can help you put your best foot forward—and on time.

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