No one is flawless. Once you’ve been in the same job for a while, it’s easy to fall into the trap of getting too comfortable and developing certain bad work habits without even realizing it. We could all confess to at least one bad work habit, or more, that we know is holding us back. However, you still have time to fix it! Here are 5 bad habits that you need to look out for in the workplace.



Procrastinating might not have been a big deal for you at school – after all, you were always able to deliver your assignments on time – but it is a big deal in the workplace. Indeed, your constant stalling can get in the way of colleagues doing their own jobs, who are then forced to work overtime when you finally get around to doing your part as deadlines start inching closer. And they hate you for it.


Showing Up Late to Everything

Showing up late to work and to meetings will give off the impression that you don’t care about your job or your colleagues. No matter how hard you work in the time that you’re present, your boss will only remember your tardy arrival, and nothing else. So, clean up your act and start making an effort to be early to everything.


Inappropriate use of computer time

For as long as computers have been used in offices, this has been an issue, but it’s gotten worse. While the focus may have shifted from Solitaire to social media, the problem remains. For one thing, many companies can and do track your online behavior, and if your social media posts are public, there’s a record of your social media activity during work hours. So, keep it for break times.


Having a Messy Desk
Having a messy desk may seem innocent to you, but it can be distracting to your colleagues, especially if you’re guilty of spreading out on to their work area. Indeed, if your folders all over the place and your coworker barely has enough space for their water bottle, you need to fix the situation.


Having a negative attitude

Some people go through life with a glass-half-empty, angry, or victim mindset. You may be angry at your spouse, frustrated that you didn’t get a bonus, or annoyed that your washing machine is on the fritz; keep that negativity and frustration out of the workplace. No one enjoys being around someone who gives off negative energy. So, when you walk into work, take a deep breath, and adopt a positive attitude of helpfulness and gratefulness.


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